Happy new year, everyone! Here’s a list of the quantum optics papers that I enjoyed reading on and off the arXiv in the second half of 2018. I look forward to coming back to monthly posts starting January 2019!
Preprints on the arXiv:
Lemieux, S., Giese, E., Fickler, R., Chekhova, M. V., & Boyd, R. W. (arXiv:1808.05106). A Primary Radiation Standard Based on Quantum Nonlinear Optics.
Jing, B., Wang, X.-J., Yu, Y., Sun, P.-F., Jiang, Y., Yang, S.-J., Jiang, W.-H., Luo, X.-Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, X., Bao, X.-H., & Pan, J.-W. (arXiv:1808.05393). Hybrid entanglement of three quantum memories with three photons.
Giordani, T., Polino, E., Emiliani, S., Suprano, A., Innocenti, L., Majury, H., Marrucci, L., Paternostro, M., Ferraro, A., Spagnolo, N., & Sciarrino, F. (arXiv:1808.08875). Experimental engineering of arbitrary qudit states with discrete-time quantum walks.
Xu, X. Y., Wang, Q. Q., Pan, W. W., Sun, K., Xu, J. S., Chen, G., Tang, J. S., Gong, M., Han, Y. J., Li, C. F., & Guo, G. C. (arXiv:1808.09278). Measuring the Winding Number in a Large-Scale Chiral Quantum Walk.
Wang, Q.-Q., Xu, X.-Y., Pan, W.-W., Sun, K., Xu, J.-S., Chen, G., Han, Y.-J., Li, C.-F., & Guo, G.-C. (arXiv:1808.09298)). Dynamic-Disorder-Induced Enhancement of Entanglement in Photonic Quantum Walks.
Steinbrecher, G. R., Olson, J. P., Englund, D., & Carolan, J. (arXiv:1808.10047). Quantum optical neural networks.
Lorz, L., Meyer-Scott, E., Nitsche, T., Potocek, V., Gábris, A., Barkhofen, S., Jex, I., & Silberhorn, C. (arXiv:1809.00591). A photonic quantum walk with a four-dimensional coin.
Renema, J., Shchesnovich, V., & García-Patrón, R. (arXiv:1809.01953). Quantum-to-classical transition in many-body bosonic interference.
Arrazola, J. M., Kalajdzievski, T., Weedbrook, C., & Lloyd, S. (arXiv:1809.02622). Quantum algorithm for non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations.
Sabapathy, K. K., Qi, H., Izaac, J., & Weedbrook, C. (arXiv:1809.04680). Near-deterministic production of universal quantum photonic gates enhanced by machine learning.
Hošák, R., Stárek, R., & Ježek, M. (arXiv:1809.07521). The optimal strategy for photonic quantum tomography.
Qiang, X., Zhou, X., Wang, J., Wilkes, C. M., Loke, T., O’Gara, S., Kling, L., Marshall, G. D., Santagati, R., Ralph, T. C., Wang, J. B., O’Brien, J. L., Thompson, M. G., & Matthews, J. C. F. (arXiv:1809.09791). Large-scale silicon quantum photonics implementing arbitrary two-qubit processing.
Gupt, B., Arrazola, J. M., Quesada, N., & Bromley, T. R. (arXiv:1810.00900). Classical benchmarking of Gaussian Boson Sampling on the Titan supercomputer.
Sadana, S., Ghosh, D., Joarder, K., Lakshmi, A. N., Sanders, B. C., & Sinha, U. (arXiv:1810.01297). Near-100 % two-photon-like coincidence-visibility dip with classical light and the role of complementarity.
Zhong, H., Li, Y., Li, W., Peng, L., Su, Z., Hu, Y., He, Y.-M., Ding, X., Zhang, W.-J., Li, H., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., You, L.-X., Wang, X., Jiang, X., Li, L., Chen, Y., … Pan, J.-W. (arXiv:1810.04823). 12-photon entanglement and scalable scattershot boson sampling with optimal entangled-photon pairs from parametric down-conversion.
Matthès, M. W., del Hougne, P., de Rosny, J., Lerosey, G., & Popoff, S. M. (arXiv:1810.05688). Turning Optical Complex Media into Universal Reconfigurable Linear Operators by Wavefront Shaping.
Sephton, B., Dudley, A., Ruffato, G., Romanato, F., Marrucci, L., Padgett, M., Goyal, S., Roux, F., Konrad, T., & Forbes, A. (arXiv:1810.06850). A versatile quantum walk resonator with bright classical light.
Pleinert, M.-O., von Zanthier, J., & Lutz, E. (arXiv:1810.08221). Many-particle interference to test Born’s rule.
Bombin, H. (arXiv:1810.09571). 2D quantum computation with 3D topological codes.
Bradler, K., Friedland, S., Izaac, J., Killoran, N., & Su, D. (arXiv:1810.10644). Graph isomorphism and Gaussian boson sampling.
Luo, K.-H., Brauner, S., Eigner, C., Sharapova, P. R., Ricken, R., Meier, T., Herrmann, H., & Silberhorn, C. (arXiv:1810.13173). Nonlinear integrated quantum electro-optic circuits.
Gao, X., Krenn, M., Kysela, J., & Zeilinger, A. (arXiv:1811.01814). Arbitrary d-dimensional Pauli X-Gates of a flying Qudit.
Pirandola, S., Bardhan, B. R., Gehring, T., Weedbrook, C., & Lloyd, S. (arXiv:1811.01969). Advances in Photonic Quantum Sensing.
Adcock, J. C., Vigliar, C., Santagati, R., Silverstone, J. W., & Thompson, M. G. (arXiv:1811.03023). Programmable four-photon graph states on a silicon chip.
Carolan, J., Chakraborty, U., Harris, N. C., Pant, M., Baehr-Jones, T., Hochberg, M., & Englund, D. (arXiv:1811.06557). Scalable feedback control of single photon sources for photonic quantum technologies.
Nitsche, T., Geib, T., Stahl, C., Lorz, L., Cedzich, C., Barkhofen, S., Werner, R. F., & Silberhorn, C. (arXiv:1811.09520). Eigenvalue Measurement of Topologically Protected Edge states in Split-Step Quantum Walks.
Paesani, S., Ding, Y., Santagati, R., Chakhmakhchyan, L., Vigliar, C., Rottwitt, K., Oxenløwe, L. K., Wang, J., Thompson, M. G., & Laing, A. (arXiv:1812.03158). Generation and sampling of quantum states of light in a silicon chip.
Qi, H., Helt, L. G., Su, D., Vernon, Z., & Brádler, K. (arXiv:1812.07015). Linear multiport photonic interferometers: loss analysis of temporally-encoded architectures. and
Su, D., Dhand, I., Helt, L. G., Vernon, Z., & Bradler, K. ( arXiv:1812.07939). Hybrid spatio-temporal architectures for universal linear optics.
Hamerly, R., Sludds, A., Bernstein, L., Soljačić, M. S., & Englund, D. (arXiv:1812.07614). Large-Scale Optical Neural Networks based on Photoelectric Multiplication.
Abrahao, R. A., & Lund, A. P. (arXiv:1812.08978). Continuous-Variables Boson Sampling: Scaling and Verification.
Review articles:
Harris, N. C., Carolan, J., Bunandar, D., Prabhu, M., Hochberg, M., Baehr-Jones, T., Fanto, M. L., Smith, A. M., Tison, C. C., Alsing, P. M., & Englund, D. (Optica 5.12 (2018): 1623-1631). Linear programmable nanophotonic processors.
Lenzini, F., Gruhler, N., Walter, N., & Pernice, W. H. P. (Advanced Quantum Technologies: 1800061). Diamond as a Platform for Integrated Quantum Photonics.
Couteau, C. (arXiv:1809.00127, Contemporary Physics 59.3 (2018): 291-304). Spontaneous parametric down-conversion.
Gazeau, J. P. (arXiv:1810.06473). Coherent states in Quantum Optics: An oriented overview.
Olson, J. (Journal of Optics 20.12 (2018): 123501). The role of complexity theory in quantum optics - A tutorial for BosonSampling.
Earlier reading lists: