I used to blog about recent articles in quantum optics till late 2019. Leaving the posts here as an archive:
Here are the quantum optics preprints that I found interesting in September 2019. Rahimi-Keshari et al. presented a new method for characterizing linear optics network (don’t miss the parable at the end of the manuscript!); Bell et al. demonstrated the much-needed technology of high-efficiency grating couplers to get photons on and off a photonic chip; and Gagatos and Guha showed that photon subtraction on multi-mode entangled Gaussian states cannot produce arbitrary non-Gaussian quantum states. Full list here:
This months quantum optics listings provide a new way of looking at familiar concepts: Thekkadath et al. used simple ideas from quantum optics to devise a powerful state engineering tool; Shringarpure and Franson came up with a new method of generating photon added states without actually adding a photon; and Lachman and Filip proposed a new set of criteria that good single photon sources must obey. Here is the full list:
Here is my arxiv reading list for July 2019. Experimental results included the generation of pure single photons using frequency multiplexing by Hiemstra, Parker et al. and using commercial optics fibre by Lugani et al.. More from a simulation perspective, Moylett et al. and Liu et al. reported a faster simulation of imperfect boson sampling experiments, Youssry et al. presented a machine learning method for modelling and controlling photonic chips.
Experimental quantum optics works on the arXiv in June 2019 included the generation two-dimensional cluster state on 30000 modes for continuous-variable quantum computing by Larsen et al. and a demonstration of a silicon quantum photonics platform for mid-infrared optics by Rosenfeld et al.. On the theory side, Malz and Cirac proposed a new design for photon number-resolving detectors based on atoms coupled to waveguides and Sadana et al. showed that double-slit interferometry can be studied as a lossy beam splitter.
Here is my quantum optics reading list for May 2019. Many great results on gaussian boson sampling came out this month, including a 12-mode experiment by Zhong et al. at Shanghai, a thorough noise analysis of losses by Qi et al., and a new application to graph algorithms by Schuld et al.. Finally, Drahi et al. demonstrated entanglement between single- and dual-rail photonic qubits.
April 2019 in quantum optics included experiments on improving the noise resilience of qudit-based entanglement distillation by Ecker et al., the demonstration of a quantum dot source of indistinguishable single photons by Dusanowski et al., and an up-to-date review on novel architectures for photonic quantum computing by Takeda and Furusawa. Here is the full reading list:
Here is my arxiv reading list for March 2019. New preprints this month reported breakthroughs in continuous variable quantum computation (Walshe et al. and Asavanant et al.); an almost perfect quantum-dot based photon-pair source by Wang et al.; and surprising theory that noise can induce amplification in bosonic channels by Chia et al.
Here is a list of the quantum optics preprints that I enjoyed reading in February 2019. Many interesting results about the capabilities of Gaussian boson samplers (Verdon et al., Banchi et al., Su et al., Gagatsos et al.) and about better heralding schemes for single photon generation (Massaro et al)!
Here are notes from the quantum optics preprints that I enjoyed reading in January 2019. For me, the highlights included a recipe for constructing linear optical circuits for a given quantum operation (by Garcia-Escartin et al.) and reports of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference from on-chip weak-coherent sources (by Semenenko et al. and Agnesi et al.).
Happy new year, everyone! Here’s a list of the quantum optics papers that I enjoyed reading on and off the arXiv in the second half of 2018. I look forward to coming back to monthly posts starting January 2019!
Here are my reading notes on the quantum optics and photonics preprints in July 2018. This has been a good month for sources of nonclassical light: three groups implemented a source of polarisation-entangled photon pairs using Sagnac interferometer; Vernon et al proposed a CV-squeezed light source based on a χ(3) microresonator; and three standards institutes INRIM (Italy), NPL (UK) and PTB (Germany) reported a concerted effort to standardise g(2) measurements. On the detection side, Goswami, Heshami and Simon proposed a scheme for the non-destructive detection of single-photon time-bin qubits.
Here are my quantum optics and photonics reading notes from June 2018: including a linear interferometer with source and detector on chip and theoretical advances on discriminating distinguishability and on linear bosonic channels.
We have a new manuscript on arXiv titled “Understanding quantum physics through simple experiments: from wave-particle duality to Bell’s theorem”. The manuscript comprises an outline for a course, which was conceived by Christoph Simon at the University of Calgary, about conveying quantum mysteries to students without any prerequisites in mathematics.
Here are the quantum optics gifts that Arxiv brought us in May 2018. I’ve added more papers this month than ever to my to-read-later list. (Sidenote: It would be cool to check if this bump in interesting quant-ph papers is a result of a bump in submitted quant-ph papers that happens every May when teaching recedes. Old arXiv stats seem to show that Cond-matt submissions go up in May but not HEP. Funnily enough, the numbers of downloaded papers show no such bump!) The papers that I did read are:
Following up from the March post, April 2018 in quantum optics was just as exciting: from integrated photonics for random number generation and for continuous variable quantum information, to new witnesses of multi-photon indistinguishability and of entanglement, and the release of an open-source photonics front-end/simulator. Here are my reading notes.
New research on quantum has exploded in the last decade. The number of articles in quantum optics and photonics seems to have gone up hand in hand. These public-facing reading notes are my attempt to tame the flood of new research in the field and to keep myself up to date:
Our paper “Proposal for Quantum Simulation via All-Optically-Generated Tensor Network States” is now published in PRL. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 130501 | arXiv:1710.06103). This paper combines ideas from my two main research interests: quantum optics and tensor networks. Here is an accessible (to a quantum optics audience) summary of the paper:
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I am blogging about my research interests, such as quantum optics and tensor networks, hoping to reach out to others with related interests. There might be occasional blurbs about how to solve it in python. I am excited to see where this blog goes!